Kellen Parker van Dam
Chair Assistant
Dr. Kellen Parker Van Dam

Phone: +49(0)851/509-3489
Room: HK14d 315
Curriculum vitae
Doctor of Philosophy, Linguistics – May 2019
Department of Languages & Linguistics
La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia
Thesis topic: The Tone System of Tangsa-Nocte and Related Northern Naga Varieties
Master of Arts, Linguistics – November 2014
College of Humanities, Graduate Institute of Linguistics
National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan 國立清華大學
Thesis topic: A Preliminary Look at the Historical Development of Modern Tàihú Wú Dialects
Qualifying paper: Aspect Marking in Affirmative Statements: A Synchronic and Diachronic Look at Standard Mandarin and Wú.
Department of Languages & Linguistics
La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia
Thesis topic: The Tone System of Tangsa-Nocte and Related Northern Naga Varieties
Master of Arts, Linguistics – November 2014
College of Humanities, Graduate Institute of Linguistics
National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan 國立清華大學
Thesis topic: A Preliminary Look at the Historical Development of Modern Tàihú Wú Dialects
Qualifying paper: Aspect Marking in Affirmative Statements: A Synchronic and Diachronic Look at Standard Mandarin and Wú.
Selected Talks
Selected publications
- Understanding Bayesian phylogenetic inferenceSummer School of Linguistics (Czechia).České Budějovice, CZ. 8.23. Talk presented as part of the Multilingual Computational Linguistics Lecture series at the Summer School for Linguistics 2024
- Data collection and structuring for multilingual computational linguisticsSummer School of Linguistics (Czechia).České Budějovice, CZ. 08.21-08.22. Talk presented as part of the Multilingual Computational Linguistics Lecture series at the Summer School for Linguistics 2024
- Computationally-focused fieldwork with under-described languagesMax Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology.Leipzig, SN, DE. 7.17
- Bridging the gap between computational methods and language documentationDepartment of General and Comparative Linguistics, Universität Regensberg. Regensburg, BY, DE. 6.06
Selected publications
- van Dam, K. P. (2023) “Revisiting ‘Eye of the Day’: Tibeto-Burman evidence and arguments both for and against contact as the driver of innovation, in response to Urban (2010) & Blust (2011)”. Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman. Area Vol. 46:2 (2023) pp.235–264
- van Dam, K. P. & S. I. Rahman. 2022. “Tangsa-Nocte as a Continuum: A diagnostic feature list for classification of varieties”. Languages and Peoples of the Eastern Himalayan Region 21.2.
- van Dam, K. P., 2020. “The syntax of intensifiers in Muishaung”. Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area, 43 (1), pp.19-36.
- — 2020. “An Answer to Y.R. Chao’s Problem of Affricate Distributions in Wú”. LACUS Forum, 41.
- — 2019. "Mapping the Frontier: Correlating Representations of Tangsa-Nocte Villages in Early British Survey Maps with Modern GIS Data." Anthropology Today: An International Peer Reviewed Neira Journal. North East Institute for Research in Anthropology, Meghalaya, India.
- — 2018. “A cross-varietal description of modifiers of basic colour terms in Tangsa-Nocte”. North East Indian Linguistics8, pp.47-64.
Focus areas
- Phonologie, Phonetik und sprachliche Tonsysteme
- Sprachtypologie
- Historische Linguistik
- Anthropologische Linguistik, Sprache & Kultur
- Sprachkontakt und Areallinguistik
- Sprachen Ost- und Südostasiens (chinesisch-tibetisch, südwestliches Tai)