The aim of our research is to contribute to a better understanding of
→ language as a sign system and communication system, as a cognitive medium and as a social institution
→ the evolution and variation of language, as well as its functions in various social, (inter-)cultural and media contexts
→ the multimodal construction of meaning
→ cultures (with an Anglo-American influenced background)
→ social media and digital communication
→ (informational) privacy (across cultures).
Find out more about our completed and ongoing third-party funded and collaborative projects in the menu on the left.
We regularly present our research at conferences and academic institutions. These are valuable opportunities to discuss our work and engage with the scientific community. In addition to national events, we have shared our findings at international conferences and as visiting scholars at universities in Ireland, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, the United States, Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Finland, France, Israel, Italy, Poland, Portugal, and Spain.
Below you will find the published results of our research work.
Prof. Dr. Daniela Wawra
Main Research Domains in English Language and Cultural Studies
- Sociolinguistics
- Applied Linguistics
- (Multimodal) Discourse Analysis
- Text Linguistics
- Pragmatics
- Comparative Cultural Studies
Primary Application and Topic Areas
- Digital and Intercultural Communication
- Business, Political and Media Communication
- Privacy
Thir, Veronika/Wawra, Daniela. 2025. Data protection and information privacy: Perceptions across cultures. Berlin/Boston: de Gruyter.

The impact of cultural factors on perceptions of and attitudes toward privacy is often neglected in privacy studies. Yet, understanding these factors is crucial in our globalized world, where businesses, governments and researchers rely on data from different cultures. This book makes a contribution to closing this gap. It presents and discusses findings from a large, comparative cross-cultural study on professionals’ views of key data protection and information privacy issues, such as data autonomy, the data power of companies and governments, and the impact of data protection and information privacy regulations on companies, consumers, and the state. The book facilitates a better understanding of attitudes toward data protection and privacy across cultures by highlighting areas in which professionals around the world are (dis-)satisfied with data protection regulations and practices, and showing how culture-specific factors can help to explain differences in this area.
Wawra, Daniela. 2014. Job interview corpus: Data transcription and major topics in corpus linguistics. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang. (includes audio files)

The aim of this book and its accompanying audio files is to make accessible a corpus of 40 authentic job interviews conducted in English. The recordings and transcriptions of the interviews published here may be used by students, teachers and researchers alike for linguistic analyses of spoken discourse and as authentic material for language learning in the classroom. The book includes an introduction to corpus linguistics, offering insight into different kinds of corpora and discussing their main characteristics. Furthermore, major features of the discourse genre job interview are outlined and detailed information is given concerning the job interview corpus published in this book.
Wawra, Daniela. 2008. Public Relations im Kulturvergleich: Die Sprache der Geschäftsberichte US-amerikanischer und deutscher Unternehmen. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang. (458 pp.)

The annual report is one of the most important public relations instruments of companies. They use it to communicate with their local and global audiences and to win them over. How do US-American and German companies master this challenge? The qualitative and quantitative empirical analysis of 100 annual reports presented in this study focuses on the following questions: What are the functions of the annual report and how are they implemented linguistically in the US-American and German annual reports? Is communication via these German and US-American annual reports shaped by their respective cultures? Are there tendencies of globalization? How can the results of the study be explained?
Wawra, Daniela. 2004. Männer und Frauen im Job Interview: Eine evolutionspsychologische Studie zu ihrem Sprachgebrauch im Englischen. Münster: LIT. (374 pp.)

The job interview plays a central role in the distribution of life chances. The focus of this work is an empirical study regarding the language use of women and men in authentic job interviews. In addition, the current state of research on their language use in the fields of phonetics/phonology, syntax, lexis and discourse is presented and discussed as well as theoretical approaches to gender research. In this process, natural-scientific findings are also considered and integrated. This work is a contribution to the further development of theoretical and applied linguistic gender research.
As Editor
Hennemann, Moritz/von Lewinski, Kai/Wawra, Daniela/Widjaja, Thomas (eds.). 2023. Data disclosure: Global developments and perspectives. Berlin/Boston: de Gruyter.

Data has become a key factor for the competitiveness of private and state actors alike. Personal data in particular fuels manifold corresponding data ecosystems – in many cases based on the disclosure decision of an individual. This volume presents the proceedings of the bidt "Vectors of Data Disclosure" conference held in Munich 2022. The contributions give comparative insights into the data disclosure process – combining perspectives of law, cultural studies, and business information systems. The authors thereby tackle the question in which way regulation and cultural settings shape (or do not shape) respective decisions in different parts of the world. The volume also includes interim results of the corresponding bidt research project – including in-depth reports covering the regulatory and cultural dimensions of data disclosure in eight different countries / regions worldwide, a business information systems model of the disclosure decision process, and empirical studies. The volume thereby lays the ground for interdisciplinary informed policy decisions and gives guidance to stakeholders.
- In-depth insights into data disclosure decisions globally
- Law, cultural studies, and business information systems perspectives
- Comparative analysis of data disclosure regulation and cultural settings
Wawra, Daniela (eds.). 2022. Selected papers from the 2021 conference of the German Association for the Study of English. Anglistik 33/2. (with Jonathan Rose)

Anglistik publishes articles on the entire range of the English Studies, covering linguistics and literary studies as well as teaching methodology. A special concern of this journal is to introduce the reader to innovative questions and new research developments.
Wawra, Daniela (ed.). 2014. Focus on media communication: A crosscultural perspective, Anglistik 25/2.

Media communication was chosen as the topic of this special edition of Anglistik because the enormous technological progress of the recent past has presented our media-based cultures with crucial challenges for the future of our societies and the individual. The new possibilities of automatic storage and processing of large amounts of data threaten our privacy in ways and on a scale never seen before. This is a cross-cultural challenge, as digital data do not stop at national borders. The contributions in this volume all deal with media discourses and discuss a variety of perspectives on different kinds of media communication, including different technical media, different cultures and different time perspectives.
Wawra, Daniela (ed.). 2013. European Studies – Interkulturelle Kommunikation und Kulturvergleich. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang.

An important basis for in-depth European Studies is familiarity with the theories, methods and applications of intercultural communication research as well as cross-cultural research. Europe and the EU consist of many different cultures and are a hybrid construct. In this respect, a deeper understanding of specific European challenges and problems requires that the relationships between these cultures, their interactions and dialogue with each other, their interdependencies, their respective common and specific histories, their particularities, commonalities and contrasts are examined in greater detail. This volume contains theoretical and applied contributions within European contexts. It is thematically divided into three sections: cultural history and cultural theory, European identity as well as representations of European identities.
Wawra, Daniela (ed.). 2013. European Studies – Europäische Kulturwissenschaft. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang.

European Studies – the study of European cultures and European identity – is an inherently interdisciplinary study project: If one wants to thoroughly trace its subject and better understand European culture(s), it is indispensable to engage with different disciplines, each of which opens up distinct and complementary perspectives on the object of study. In particular, this edited volume explores the question of what constitutes European identity. In addition, this volume contains contributions to theoretical foundations that are important for studies with a European focus. Thus, in keeping with the complexity of the subject matter, diverse interdisciplinary perspectives on Europe are presented, linked by a fundamental cultural studies approach. They all contribute to laying the foundation for a better understanding of the past, present and future of European culture(s).
Barmeyer, Christoph/Wawra, Daniela et al. (eds.). 2011. Medien und Wandel. Berlin: Logos.

Up until now, there has been a lack of interdisciplinary approaches in research with which, in the age of digitization – a phase of technically accelerated changes in media, communication and the public sphere – the changing media and the changes brought about by media are examined, in a multi-perspective manner and supported by the respective advantages of the individual disciplines and academic cultures. The members of the IFIM (Institute of Interdisciplinary Media Science) each illustrate their professional approach to the topic of media and change with programmatic and exemplary contributions.
Wawra, Daniela (ed.). 2010. Medienkulturen. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang.

Media surround us throughout our lives and are relevant to each of us on a daily basis. Media shape everyday life in our cultures and our individual existence. They play an essential role in the construction of our social realities. The contributions to this edited volume take a closer look at various media contents (in literature, opera, press, film and television) in different cultural regions (Europe, Latin and North America, Southeast Asia). The aim is to better understand and critically question the different media cultures. In the process, the relationship between media and cultures will also be addressed, as well as, finally, the issue of a developing global media culture.
Wawra, Daniela (ed.). 2007. Genderforschung multidisziplinär. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang.

What do women and men really want? Are women better bosses? Is Islam misogynistic? How can childcare outside the family be improved in Germany? This is just a small selection of questions to be discussed in this edited volume. In their contributions, academics from various fields provide insights into current issues regarding gender research within their respective disciplines. A variety of approaches, methods and theories are presented. It is this multidisciplinary approach that makes this edited volume so appealing. On the one hand, it is aimed at researchers working in the field of gender studies. On the other hand, the volume aims to give students and anyone who is interested an insight into the diverse nature of gender studies and generate curiosity about further topics and discussions surrounding the subject of gender.
Wawra, Daniela. "Gendergerechte Sprache im Englischen: Formen, Funktionen und Bewertungen." In: Werth, Alexander (Hrsg.). Die Movierung: Formen, Funktionen, Bewertungen. Berlin/Boston: de Gruyter. (forthcoming)
-. 2023. "Linguistic literacy and political communication in the digital age." In: Lukács, Bence/Heurich, Benjamin/Dick, Mirjam/Brachmann, Ines/Wölfl, Eliška (eds.). Innovative Lehrkräftebildung, digitally enhanced: Multimodale Impulse aus dem Pressbooks.
-. 2023. "Cultural influences on personal data disclosure decisions: Ghanaian perspectives." University of Passau Institute for Law of the Digital Society Research Paper Series No. 23-04. 1-25. SSRN June 2023. Research funded by the Bavarian Research Institute for Digital Transformation (bidt). (with Veronika Thir)
-. 2023. "Cultural influences on personal data disclosure decisions: Swiss perspectives." University of Passau Institute for Law of the Digital Society Research Paper Series No. 23-05. 1-59. SSRN June 2023. Research funded by the Bavarian Research Institute for Digital Transformation (bidt). (with Veronika Thir, Katharina Kindsmüller, and Vanessa Vollenschier)
-. 2023. "Parameters of personal data disclosure decisions in cross-cultural comparison." In: Hennemann, Moritz/von Lewinski, Kai/Wawra, Daniela/Widjaja, Thomas (eds.). Data Disclosure. Global Developments and Perspectives. Berlin/Boston: de Gruyter. 51-87.
-. 2023. "Data sensitivity and data protection literacy in cross-cultural comparison." In: Hennemann, Moritz/von Lewinski, Kai/Wawra, Daniela/Widjaja, Thomas (eds.). Data Disclosure. Global Developments and Perspectives. Berlin/Boston: de Gruyter. 169-194.
-. 2023. "Avaunt, Enby, Heroix – Reanalyseprozesse für gendergerechte Sprache im Englischen." In: Bülow, Lars/Koch, Günter/Krieg-Holz, Ulrike/Trost, Igor (eds.). Remotivierung in der Sprache: Auf der Suche nach Form und Bedeutung. Berlin: Metzler. 45-65.
-. 2022. "'Managing migration' – Diskurse von EU-Institutionen und US-Regierung zur Migration: Eine kritische Analyse." In: Hansen, Christina/Ricart Brede, Julia (eds.). Migration, das finde ich … Multidisziplinäre Perspektiven auf ein allgegenwärtiges Phänomen. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. 91-115.
-. 2022. "Preface." Anglistik 33/2. 7-9. (with Jonathan Rose)
-. 2022. "‘Germany is a disaster now‘: US perspectives on the Berlin Republic over the course of time." In: Robertson, John/Oswald, Michael (eds.). The legacy and impact of German unification: The elusive dream of "flourishing landscapes". London: Palgrave Macmillan. 293-320.
-. 2022. "Cultural influences on personal data disclosure decisions: Brazilian perspectives." University of Passau Institute for Law of the Digital Society Research Paper Series No. 22-08. 1-23. SSRN March 2022. Research funded by the Bavarian Research Institute for Digital Transformation (bidt). (with Katharina Kindsmüller, Vanessa Vollenschier, Franziska Walbert, and Lisa Woldrich)
-. 2022. "Cultural influences on personal data disclosure decisions: Chinese perspectives." University of Passau Institute for Law of the Digital Society Research Paper Series No. 22-09. 1-24. SSRN March 2022. Research funded by the Bavarian Research Institute for Digital Transformation (bidt). (with Katharina Kindsmüller, Memoona Tawfiq, Vanessa Vollenschier, Franziska Walbert, and Lisa Woldrich)
-. 2022. "Cultural influences on personal data disclosure decisions: Japanese perspectives." University of Passau Institute for Law of the Digital Society Research Paper Series No. 22-10. 1-24. SSRN March 2022. Research funded by the Bavarian Research Institute for Digital Transformation (bidt). (with Katharina Kindsmüller, Memoona Tawfiq, Vanessa Vollenschier, Franziska Walbert, and Lisa Woldrich)
-. 2022. "Cultural influences on personal data disclosure decisions: Russian perspectives." University of Passau Institute for Law of the Digital Society Research Paper Series No. 22-11. 1-22. SSRN March 2022. Research funded by the Bavarian Research Institute for Digital Transformation (bidt). (with Katharina Kindsmüller, Memoona Tawfiq, Vanessa Vollenschier, Franziska Walbert, and Lisa Woldrich)
-. 2022. "The cultural context of personal data disclosure decisions." University of Passau Institute for Law of the Digital Society Research Paper Series No. 22-2. 1-19. SSRN March 2022. Research funded by the Bavarian Research Institute for Digital Transformation (bidt).
-. 2021. "Verflechtungen zwischen Kultur- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften: Entwicklungen – Debatten – Perspektiven." In: Kamm, Jürgen (ed.). Kulturwirtschaft: Themen – Methoden – Perspektiven. Passau: Ralf Schuster. 17-49.
-. 2021. "iSpy: Artikulationen von Privatheit in der US-Serie Modern Family." In: Decker, Jan-Oliver/Gräf, Dennis/Großmann, Stephanie/Nies, Martin (eds.). Mediale Strukturen – strukturierte Medialität: Konzeptionen, Semantiken und Funktionen medialer Weltentwürfe in Literatur, Film und anderen Künsten. Kiel: Ludwig. 409-423.
-. 2018. "Multimodal literacy: Meaning negotiations in political cartoons on the refugee crisis." System 77.10-18. DOI: 10.1016/j.system.2018.02.018.
-. 2018. "Pragmastilistischer Ansatz zur Konzeption und Analyse von Public Relations Kommunikation." In: Christoph, Cathrin/Schach, Annika (eds.). Handbuch Sprache in den Public Relations. Wiesbaden: Springer VS. 81-97.
-. 2018. "Diskursbasierte Ansätze zur Analyse von Public Relations Kommunikation." In: Christoph, Cathrin/Schach, Annika (eds.). Handbuch Sprache in den Public Relations. Wiesbaden: Springer VS. 99-115.
-. 2018. "Beziehungsgestaltung in der digitalen Gesellschaft: Privatheit und Intimität im Kommunikationskontext sozialer Medien." In: Burk, Steffen/Hennig, Martin et al. (eds.). Privatheit in der digitalen Gesellschaft. Berlin: Duncker & Humblot. 199-217.
-. 2017. "Hybrid linguistic and cultural practices as pathways to integration: How migration challenges traditional concepts of identity – The case of Hispanics in the USA." In: Gross-Dinter, Ursula/Feuser, Florian/Ramos Méndez-Sahlender, Carmen (eds.). Zum Umgang mit Migration: Zwischen Empörungsmodus und Lösungsorientierung. Bielefeld: transcript. 145-164.
-. 2015. "Digital communication and privacy: Is social web use gendered?" Arbeiten aus Anglistik und Amerikanistik (AAA) 40/1-2. 219-245.
-. 2014. "Privacy in times of digital communication and data mining." Anglistik 25/2. 11-38.
-. 2014. "Media communication – a cross-cultural perspective or: Media as extensions of man revisited." Anglistik 25/2. 7-9.
-. 2014. "Irish media campaigns on European reform treaties: Communication strategies, effects and explanations." Anglistik 25/1. 141-160.
-. 2013. "European Studies – Interkulturelle Kommunikation und Kulturvergleich." In: Wawra, Daniela (ed.). European Studies – Interkulturelle Kommunikation und Kulturvergleich. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang. 9-11.
-. 2013. "Zwischen historischem Partikularismus und einer ‘science of culture‘: Ein geschichtlicher Überblick zu Theorien kultureller Entwicklung." In: Wawra, Daniela (ed.). European Studies – Interkulturelle Kommunikation und Kulturvergleich. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang. 15-42.
-. 2013. "'Hard core Europe': Die Rolle von Metaphern bei der Konstruktion einer europäischen Identität im Kulturvergleich." In: Wawra, Daniela (ed.). European Studies – Interkulturelle Kommunikation und Kulturvergleich. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang. 129-142.
-. 2013. "European Studies – Europäische Kulturwissenschaft." In: Wawra, Daniela (ed.). European Studies – Europäische Kulturwissenschaft. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang. 9-10.
-. 2013. "Kulturwissenschaft im Spannungsfeld zwischen Essentialismus und (De-)Konstruktivismus." In: Wawra, Daniela (ed.). European Studies – Europäische Kulturwissenschaft. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang. 13-27.
-. 2013. "Die 'spirituelle Landkarte' Europas: Europäische Identität als diskursive Formation." In: Wawra, Daniela (ed.). European Studies – Europäische Kulturwissenschaft. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang. 89-107.
-. 2013. "'A word from the wise': Europäische Kommunikationspolitik am Beispiel der medialen Umsetzung der Mehrsprachigkeitspolitik der EU – Formen, Funktionen und Bewertung." In: Wawra, Daniela (ed.). European Studies – Europäische Kulturwissenschaft. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang. 217-234.
-. 2012. "Merkel monsters multiculturalism: Webdiskurse zum Multikulturalismus – Australien, Deutschland, Großbritannien, Indien, Kanada und die USA im Medienkulturvergleich." In: Reutner, Ursula (ed.). Von der digitalen zur interkulturellen Revolution. Baden-Baden: Nomos. 467-489.
-. 2012. "New Zealand English: A history of hybridization." In: Stockhammer, Philipp (ed.). Conceptualizing cultural hybridization: A transdisciplinary approach. Berlin: Springer. 159-172.
-. 2011. "’Connecting definite sounds with definite ideas’: Neo-Darwinian reflections on language evolution: Natural and sexual selection." Arbeiten aus Anglistik und Amerikanistik (AAA) 36/2. 117-131.
-. 2011. "Wandel und Variation des Mediums Sprache: Ursachen – Tendenzen – Ergebnisse." In: Barmeyer, Christoph/Wawra, Daniela et al. (eds.). Medien und Wandel. Berlin: Logos. 91-109.
-. 2010. "Sprachkompetenz als Kommunikationskompetenz: Grundsätzliche Überlegungen und der Spezialfall Englisch." In: PAradigma 1/10. 50-67.
-. 2010. "Medienkulturen aus interdisziplinärer Perspektive." In: Wawra, Daniela (ed.). Medienkulturen. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang. 7-10.
-. 2010. "Medienkulturen als Wirklichkeitskonstrukteure." In: Wawra, Daniela (ed.). Medienkulturen. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang. 11-33.
-. 2010. "Sprache, Medialität und Kognition." In: Wawra, Daniela (ed.). Medienkulturen. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang. 35-52.
-. 2010. "Medienkulturen und Globalisierung." In: Wawra, Daniela (ed.). Medienkulturen. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang. 265-280.
-. 2009. "Social intelligence: The key to intercultural communication." European Journal of English Studies 13/2. 163-177.
-. 2008. "’America at its best’: The discoursive construction of American identity in the inaugural addresses of US-presidents since 1789." In: Stierstorfer, Klaus et al. (eds.). Anglistentag 2007 Münster: Proceedings. Trier: WVT. 455-466.
-. 2008. "Genderforschung aus pragmatisch-semiotischer Perspektive: Der Kommunikationsstil von Frauen und Männern in professionellen Kontexten." In: Butter, Michael/Grundmann, Regina/Sanchez, Christina (eds.). Zeichen der Zeit. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang. 37-57.
-. 2008. "’Life is a rollercoaster and time is money’: Tropen als grundlegende kulturelle Episteme – eine kognitiv-semantische Annäherung." In: Genkova, Petia (ed.). Erfolg durch Schlüsselqualifikationen? "Heimliche Lehrpläne" und Basiskompetenzen im Zeichen der Globalisierung. Lengerich: Pabst Science Publishers. 136-151.
-. 2007. "On course for the next stage of success: The annual reports of U.S. and Japanese companies." In: Garzone, Giuliana/Ilie, Cornelia (eds.). The use of English in institutional and business settings: An intercultural perspective. Linguistic Insights 34. Bern: Peter Lang. 127-146.
-. 2007. "Genderforschung: Eine multidisziplinäre Annäherung." In: Wawra, Daniela (ed.). Genderforschung multidisziplinär. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang. 9-15.
-. 2007. "Von Venusfrauen und Marsmännern: Zur Geschichte der linguistischen Geschlechterforschung im anglo-amerikanischen und deutschen Raum." In: Wawra, Daniela (ed.). Genderforschung multidisziplinär. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang. 101-125.
-. 2007. "Beziehungsgestaltung und ‘Image-Building’: Das Hypertextdesign der Homepages von Angela Merkel, Tony Blair und George W. Bush." In: Roth, Kersten/Spitzmüller, Jürgen (eds.). Textdesign und Textwirkung in der massenmedialen Kommunikation. Konstanz: UVK. 267-289.
-. 2006. "United in diversity: British and German minority language policies in the context of a European language policy." Language and Intercultural Communication Vol. 6: 3-4. 219-233.
-. 2006. "Language and peacock tails: The evolution of language by sexual selection." In: Duszak, Anna/Okulska, Urzula (eds.). Bridges and barriers in meta-linguistic discourse. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang. 341-354.
-. 2005. "The male and the female self in job interviews: On personal, impersonal and dominant language use." In: Mössner, Lilo/Schmidt, Christa (eds.). Anglistentag 2004 Aachen: Proceedings. Trier: WVT. 461-473.
-. 2005. "‘A wall of lights going north ...’: Der Irakkrieg 2003 in US-amerikanischen Printmedien und im Internet." In: Fraas, Claudia/Klemm, Michael (eds.). Mediendiskurse: Bestandsaufnahme und Perspektiven. Bonner Beiträge zur Medienwissenschaft Band 4. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang. 245-267.
-. 2005. "Lexik und Syntax in englischen Jobinterviews: Eine qualitative und quantitative korpuslinguistische Studie." In: Lenz, Friedrich/Schierholz, Stefan (eds.). Corpuslinguistik in Lexik und Grammatik. Tübingen: Stauffenburg. 187-206.
-. 2001. "Bastards and bitches, slimeballs and sluts: The use of gender-referential derogatory terms by women and men." In: Pankratz, Annette/Hensen, Michael (eds.). The aesthetics and pragmatics of violence. Passau: Stutz. 233-245.
Bibliographies & Encyclopaedia Articles
Wawra, Daniela. 2024. "Akkulturation." In: Glück, Helmut/Rödel, Michael (eds.). Metzler Lexikon Sprache, 6th edition. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler. (revision of an entry by Ulrich Ammon)
-. 2024. "Amerikanistik." In: Glück, Helmut/Rödel, Michael (eds.). Metzler Lexikon Sprache, 6th edition. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler.
-. 2024. "Anglistik." In: Glück, Helmut/Rödel, Michael (eds.). Metzler Lexikon Sprache, 6th edition. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler.
-. 2024. "Genderlinguistik." In: Glück, Helmut/Rödel, Michael (eds.). Metzler Lexikon Sprache, 6th edition. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler. (with Helmut Glück)
-. 2024. "Idiolekt." In: Glück, Helmut/Rödel, Michael (eds.). Metzler Lexikon Sprache, 6th edition. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler.
-. 2024. "Indigene Sprache." In: Glück, Helmut/Rödel, Michael (eds.). Metzler Lexikon Sprache, 6th edition. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler. (with Helene Schmolz)
-. 2024. "Internationale Sprache." In: Glück, Helmut/Rödel, Michael (eds.). Metzler Lexikon Sprache, 6th edition. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler.
-. 2024. "Karibisches Englisch." In: Glück, Helmut/Rödel, Michael (eds.). Metzler Lexikon Sprache, 6th edition. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler. (revision of an entry by Manfred Görlach)
-. 2024. "Koine." In: Glück, Helmut/Rödel, Michael (eds.). Metzler Lexikon Sprache, 6th edition. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler. (revision of an entry by Ulrich Ammon)
-. 2024. "Südafrikanisches Englisch." In: Glück, Helmut/Rödel, Michael (eds.). Metzler Lexikon Sprache, 6. Auflage. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler. (revision of an entry by Manfred Görlach)
-. 2024. "Monolingualismus." In: Glück, Helmut/Rödel, Michael (eds.). Metzler Lexikon Sprache, 6th edition. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler. (revision of an entry by Ulrich Ammon)
-. 2024. "Südafrikanisches Englisch." In: Glück, Helmut/Rödel, Michael (eds.). Metzler Lexikon Sprache, 6th edition. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler. (revision of an entry by Manfred Görlach)
-. 2024. "Varietät." In: Glück, Helmut/Rödel, Michael (eds.). Metzler Lexikon Sprache, 6th edition. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler. (revision of an entry by Ulrich Ammon)
-. 2024. "Westafrikanisches Englisch." In: Glück, Helmut/Rödel, Michael (eds.). Metzler Lexikon Sprache, 6th edition. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler. (revision of an entry by Manfred Görlach)
-. 2016/2024. "African American Vernacular English (AAVE)." In: Glück, Helmut/Rödel, Michael (eds.). Metzler Lexikon Sprache, 5th/6th edition. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler.
-. 2016/2024. "Alltagssprache." In: Glück, Helmut/Rödel, Michael (eds.). Metzler Lexikon Sprache, 5th/6th edition. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler.
-. 2016/2024. "Argot." In: Glück, Helmut/Rödel, Michael (eds.). Metzler Lexikon Sprache, 5th/6th edition. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler.
-. 2016/2024. "Cockney." In: Glück, Helmut/Rödel, Michael (eds.). Metzler Lexikon Sprache, 5th/6th edition. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler.
-. 2016/2024. "Domäne." In: Glück, Helmut/Rödel, Michael (eds.). Metzler Lexikon Sprache, 5th/6th edition. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler. (with Helene Schmolz)
-. 2016/2024. "Einstellung." In: Glück, Helmut/Rödel, Michael (eds.). Metzler Lexikon Sprache, 5th/6th edition. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler. (with Helene Schmolz)
-. 2016/2024. "Ethnographie." In: Glück, Helmut/Rödel, Michael (eds.). Metzler Lexikon Sprache, 5th/6th edition. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler. (with Helene Schmolz)
-. 2016/2024. "Ethnographie der Kommunikation." In: Glück, Helmut/Rödel, Michael (eds.). Metzler Lexikon Sprache, 5th/6th edition. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler. (with Helene Schmolz)
-. 2016/2024. "Ethnolinguistik." In: Glück, Helmut/Rödel, Michael (eds.). Metzler Lexikon Sprache, 5th/6th edition. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler. (with Helene Schmolz)
-. 2016/2024. "Ethnomethodologie." In: Glück, Helmut/Rödel, Michael (eds.). Metzler Lexikon Sprache, 5th/6th edition. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler. (with Helene Schmolz)
-. 2016/2024. "Ethnosprache." In: Glück, Helmut/Rödel, Michael (eds.). Metzler Lexikon Sprache, 5th/6th edition. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler. (with Helene Schmolz)
-. 2016/2024. "Feministische Linguistik." In: Glück, Helmut/Rödel, Michael (eds.). Metzler Lexikon Sprache, 5th/6th edition. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler.
-. 2016/2024. "Funktionalstil." In: Glück, Helmut/Rödel, Michael (eds.). Metzler Lexikon Sprache, 5th/6th edition. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler.
-. 2016/2024. "Gemeinsprache." In: Glück, Helmut/Rödel, Michael (eds.). Metzler Lexikon Sprache, 5th/6th edition. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler.
-. 2016/2024. "Geschlechtsabhängiger Sprachgebrauch." In: Glück, Helmut/Rödel, Michael (eds.). Metzler Lexikon Sprache, 5th/6th edition. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler.
-. 2016/2024. "Handelssprache." In: Glück, Helmut/Rödel, Michael (eds.). Metzler Lexikon Sprache, 5th/6th edition. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler.
-. 2016/2024. "Interpretative Soziolinguistik." In: Glück, Helmut/Rödel, Michael (eds.). Metzler Lexikon Sprache, 5th/6th edition. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler. (with Helene Schmolz)
-. 2016/2024. "Jugendsprache." In: Glück, Helmut/Rödel, Michael (eds.). Metzler Lexikon Sprache, 5th/6th edition. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler.
-. 2016/2024. "Kommunikationsgemeinschaft." In: Glück, Helmut/Rödel, Michael (eds.). Metzler Lexikon Sprache, 5th/6th edition. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler. (with Helene Schmolz)
-. 2016/2024. "Kontaktsprache." In: Glück, Helmut/Rödel, Michael (eds.). Metzler Lexikon Sprache, 5th/6th edition. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler.
-. 2016/2024. "Kreolisierung." In: Glück, Helmut/Rödel, Michael (eds.). Metzler Lexikon Sprache, 5th/6th edition. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler.
-. 2016/2024. "Kreolsprache." In: Glück, Helmut/Rödel, Michael (eds.). Metzler Lexikon Sprache, 5th/6th edition. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler.
-. 2016/2024. "Kultur." In: Glück, Helmut/Rödel, Michael (eds.). Metzler Lexikon Sprache, 5th/6th edition. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler.
-. 2016/2024. "Laienlinguistik." In: Glück, Helmut/Rödel, Michael (eds.). Metzler Lexikon Sprache, 5th/6th edition. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler. (with Helene Schmolz)
-. 2016/2024. "Lingua Franca." In: Glück, Helmut/Rödel, Michael (eds.). Metzler Lexikon Sprache, 5th/6th edition. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler.
-. 2016/2024. "Makrolinguistik." In: Glück, Helmut/Rödel, Michael (eds.). Metzler Lexikon Sprache, 5th/6th edition. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler. (with Helene Schmolz)
-. 2016/2024. "Massenkommunikation." In: Glück, Helmut/Rödel, Michael (eds.). Metzler Lexikon Sprache, 5th/6th edition. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler.
-. 2016/2024. "Mikrolinguistik." In: Glück, Helmut/Rödel, Michael (eds.). Metzler Lexikon Sprache, 5th/6th edition. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler. (with Helene Schmolz)
-. 2016/2024. "Netzwerk." In: Glück, Helmut/Rödel, Michael (eds.). Metzler Lexikon Sprache, 5th/6th edition. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler. (with Helene Schmolz)
-. 2016/2024. "Patois." In: Glück, Helmut/Rödel, Michael (eds.). Metzler Lexikon Sprache, 5th/6th edition. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler.
-. 2016/2024. "Pidginsprache." In: Glück, Helmut/Rödel, Michael (eds.). Metzler Lexikon Sprache, 5th/6th edition. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler.
-. 2016/2024. "Register." In: Glück, Helmut/Rödel, Michael (eds.). Metzler Lexikon Sprache, 5th/6th edition. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler.
-. 2016/2024. "Relexifizierungshypothese." In: Glück, Helmut/Rödel, Michael (eds.). Metzler Lexikon Sprache, 5th/6th edition. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler. (with Helene Schmolz)
-. 2016/2024. "Rhotischer Akzent." In: Glück, Helmut/Rödel, Michael (eds.). Metzler Lexikon Sprache, 5th/6th edition. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler.
-. 2016/2024. "Rolle." In: Glück, Helmut/Rödel, Michael (eds.). Metzler Lexikon Sprache, 5th/6th edition. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler.
-. 2016/2024. "Sakralsprache." In: Glück, Helmut/Rödel, Michael (eds.). Metzler Lexikon Sprache, 5th/6th edition. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler. (with Helene Schmolz)
-. 2016/2024. "Slang." In: Glück, Helmut/Rödel, Michael (eds.). Metzler Lexikon Sprache, 5th/6th edition. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler.
-. 2016/2024. "Sondersprache." In: Glück, Helmut/Rödel, Michael (eds.). Metzler Lexikon Sprache, 5th/6th edition. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler.
-. 2016/2024. "Soziale Bedeutung." In: Glück, Helmut/Rödel, Michael (eds.). Metzler Lexikon Sprache, 5th/6th edition. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler. (with Helene Schmolz)
-. 2016/2024. "Soziale Dialektologie." In: Glück, Helmut/Rödel, Michael (eds.). Metzler Lexikon Sprache, 5th/6th edition. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler. (with Helene Schmolz)
-. 2016/2024. "Soziolekt." In: Glück, Helmut/Rödel, Michael (eds.). Metzler Lexikon Sprache, 5th/6th edition. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler.
-. 2016/2024. "Sprachkonflikt." In: Glück, Helmut/Rödel, Michael (eds.). Metzler Lexikon Sprache, 5th/6th edition. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler. (revision of an entry by Joachim Raith with Helene Schmolz)
-. 2016/2024. "Sprachökologie." In: Glück, Helmut/Rödel, Michael (eds.). Metzler Lexikon Sprache, 5th/6th edition. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler.
-. 2016/2024. "Sprachverhalten." In: Glück, Helmut/Rödel, Michael (eds.). Metzler Lexikon Sprache, 5th/6th edition. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler. (with Helene Schmolz)
-. 2016/2024. "Substrat." In: Glück, Helmut/Rödel, Michael (eds.). Metzler Lexikon Sprache, 5th/6th edition. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler. (with Helene Schmolz)
-. 2016/2024. "Umgangssprache." In: Glück, Helmut/Rödel, Michael (eds.). Metzler Lexikon Sprache, 5th/6th edition. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler.
-. 2016/2024. "Verkehrssprache." In: Glück, Helmut/Rödel, Michael (eds.). Metzler Lexikon Sprache, 5th/6th edition. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler.
-. 2016/2024. "Vernakulum." In: Glück, Helmut/Rödel, Michael (eds.). Metzler Lexikon Sprache, 5th/6th edition. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler.
-. 2016/2024. "Volkssprache." In: Glück, Helmut/Rödel, Michael (eds.). Metzler Lexikon Sprache, 5th/6th edition. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler.
-. 2022. "Synchrony in intercultural communication." In: Moy, Patricia (ed.). Oxford Bibliographies in Communication. New York: Oxford University Press.
-. 2016. "Eingeborenensprache." In: Glück, Helmut/Rödel, Michael (eds.). Metzler Lexikon Sprache, 5th edition. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler. (with Helene Schmolz)
-. 2015. "Contrastive grammar." In: Dürscheid, Christa/Schierholz, Stefan (eds.). Wörterbücher zur Sprach- und Kommunikationswissenschaft (WSK). Grammatik: Syntax (Band 1.2). Berlin: De Gruyter. (with Rudolf Emons)
-. 2015. "Semantic role." In: Dürscheid, Christa/Schierholz, Stefan (eds.). Wörterbücher zur Sprach- und Kommunikationswissenschaft (WSK). Grammatik: Syntax (Band 1.2). Berlin: De Gruyter. (with Rudolf Emons)
-. 2015. "Mental lexicon." In: Dürscheid, Christa/Schierholz, Stefan (eds.). Wörterbücher zur Sprach- und Kommunikationswissenschaft (WSK). Grammatik: Syntax (Band 1.2). Berlin: De Gruyter. (with Rudolf Emons)
-. 2013. "Item and arrangement grammar." In: Dürscheid, Christa/Schierholz, Stefan (eds.). Wörterbücher zur Sprach- und Kommunikationswissenschaft (WSK). Grammatik: Syntax (Band 1.2). Berlin: De Gruyter. (with Rudolf Emons)
-. 2013. "Item and process grammar." In: Dürscheid, Christa/Schierholz, Stefan (eds.). Wörterbücher zur Sprach- und Kommunikationswissenschaft (WSK). Grammatik: Syntax (Band 1.2). Berlin: De Gruyter. (with Rudolf Emons)
-. 2013. "Frame." In: Dürscheid, Christa/Schierholz, Stefan (eds.). Wörterbücher zur Sprach- und Kommunikationswissenschaft (WSK). Grammatik: Syntax (Band 1.2). Berlin: De Gruyter. (with Rudolf Emons)
Wawra, Daniela. 2012. "Rezension von Wyn Johnson und Paula Reimers. Patterns in child phonology. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2010, viii + 270pp." Zeitschrift für Anglistik und Amerikanistik (ZAA) 60.3. 313-316. (with Helene Schmolz)
-. 2011. "Rezension von Alwin Fill. The language impact: Evolution – system – discourse. London: Equinox, 2010, 263pp." Arbeiten aus Anglistik und Amerikanistik (AAA). Bd. 36 Heft 1. 92-95.
-. 2008. "Rezension von Britta Thörle. Fachkommunikation im Betrieb: Interaktionsmuster und berufliche Identität in französischen Arbeitsbesprechungen. Tübingen: Gunter Narr, 2005, 259pp." Romanistisches Jahrbuch 59. 290-291.
-. 2007. "Rezension von Joybrato Mukherjee. English ditransitive verbs: Aspects of theory, description and a usage-based model. Amsterdam/New York: Editions Rodopi B.V., 2005, ix + 295pp." Anglia 125/3. 507-510.
-. 2007. "Rezension von Peter Trudgill. New-dialect formation: The inevitability of colonial Englishes. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2004, xii + 180pp." Anglia 125/3. 504-507.
-. 2005. "Rezension von Olga Fischer und Max Nänny (eds.). The motivated sign: Iconicity in language and literature 2. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2001, xiv + 387pp." Anglia 123/2. 263-269. (with Rudolf Emons)
-. 2004. "Rezension von Margot und Wolfgang Heinemann. Grundlagen der Textlinguistik: Interaktion – Text – Diskurs. Germanistische Linguistik 230. Tübingen: Niemeyer, 2002, xiii + 281pp." Anglia 122/4. 669-670.
-. 2004. "Rezension von Matthias Meyer. Determination in der englischen Nominalphrase: Eine korpuslinguistische Studie. Anglistische Forschungen 270. Heidelberg: Winter, 2000, xv + 328pp." Anglia 122/3. 482-484.
-. 2004. "Rezension von Hero Janssen (ed.). Verbal projections. Linguistische Arbeiten 420. Tübingen: Niemeyer, 2000, xiii + 256pp." Anglia 122/3. 486-489.
-. 2001. "Rezension von Klaus Fischer. German-English verb valency: A contrastive analysis. Tübinger Beiträge zur Linguistik 422. Tübingen: Gunter Narr, 1997, xix + 335pp." Anglia 119/4. 630-641.
-. 2001. "Rezension von Dieter Götz. Englische Grammatik von A-Z.’ Ismaning: Hueber, 1997, 463pp." Anglistik 12/1.195f. (with Rudolf Emons)
Conference Proceedings
Wawra, Daniela. 2021. "Kulturelle, regulatorische und verhaltensökonomische Perspektiven auf Datenpreisgabeentscheidungen." bidt (Bavarian Research Institute for Digital Transformation). (with Sarah Howe)
-. 2003. "Sprachliche Kompetenzen erforschen und vermitteln – 33. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Angewandte Linguistik (GAL), Köln, 19.-21.09.2002." Anglistik 14/1. 216-220.
-. 2002. "Sprache transdisziplinär – 32. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Angewandte Linguistik (GAL), Passau, 27.-29.09.2001." Anglistik 13/2. 175-178.
-. 2001. "Sprachbewusstheit – 31. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Angewandte Linguistik (GAL), Bremen, 28.-30.09.2000." Anglistik 12/1. 141-143.
-. 2000. "Sprache und Kultur – 30. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Angewandte Linguistik (GAL), Frankfurt am Main, 30.09.-02.10.1999." Anglistik 11/1. 159-165.
-. 1999. "Sprache und Technik – 29. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Angewandte Linguistik (GAL), Dresden, 24.-26.09.1998." Anglistik 10/1. 150-160.
Wawra, Daniela. 2025. "Sie wissen, was funktioniert: Die Antrittsreden amerikanischer Präsidenten schöpfen aus einem Fundus verbindlicher Motive." Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (F.A.Z.). 20.01.2025. 15.
-. 2024. "Zeige mir, was du isst – und ich überlege mir, ob ich dich wähle: Essen ist mehr als Genuss. Im US-Wahlkampf wird es als politische Strategie eingesetzt." Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (F.A.Z.). 25.10.2024. 9.
-. 2023. "Was bedeutet digitally enhanced...?" In: Lukács, Bence/Heurich, Benjamin/Dick, Mirjam/Brachmann, Ines/Wölfl, Eliška (eds.). Innovative Lehrkräftebildung, digitally enhanced: Multimodale Impulse aus dem Projekt Pressbooks.
-. 2022. "Kulturelle Aspekte der Datenpreisgabe." Digitales Forschungsmagazin der Universität Passau.
Jungwirth, Carola/von Lewinski, Kai/Wawra, Daniela/Zehnpfennig, Barbara/Welpe, Isabell/Hartwig, Lydia. 2021. "Absender unbekannt. Verfahren der Wissenschaft zum Umgang mit anonymen Anschuldigungen." Beiträge zur Hochschulforschung 1-2/2021. 4-8.
Wawra, Daniela. 2016. "Privatheit und Digitalisierung" (Interview). Magazin des DFG-Graduiertenkollegs Privatheit und Digitalisierung 6, 10/2016. 8-10.
PD Dr. Helene Schmolz
Main research areas in English linguistics and cultural studies
- (Critical) discourse analysis, especially image analysis
- Corpus linguistics
- Text linguistics, especially anaphora resolution
Primary areas of application and topics
- Representation of migration
- Representation of the older generation
- Digital media
Schmolz, Helene (2015), Anaphora Resolution and Text Retrieval. A Linguistic Analysis of Hypertexts, Berlin et al.: De Gruyter.
This book covers anaphora resolution for the English language from a linguistic and computational point of view.
First, a definition of anaphors that applies to linguistics as well as information technology is given. On this foundation, all types of anaphors and their characteristics for English are outlined. To examine how frequent each type of anaphor is, a corpus of different hypertexts has been established and analysed with regard to anaphors. The most frequent type are non-finite clause anaphors - a type which has never been investigated so far. Therefore, the potential of non-finite clause anaphors are further explored with respect to anaphora resolution. After presenting the fundamentals of computational anaphora resolution and its application in text retrieval, rules for resolving non-finite clause anaphors are established.
Therefore, this book shows that a truly interdisciplinary approach can achieve results which would not have been possible otherwise.
Schmolz, Helene (2020), “Addressing Immigration in English Online Newspapers: Lexical Choices and their Ideological Implications”, in Gulia Elena Garzone, Mara Logaldo, Francesca Santulli, eds., Investigating Conflict Discourses in the Periodical Press (Linguistic Insights), Bern et al.: Lang, pp. 155-173.
Schmolz, Helene (2019), “The Discourse of Migration in English-language Online Newspapers: An Analysis of Images”, Open Linguistics, 5 (1), pp. 421-433.
Schmolz, Helene (2016), „The Representation of Migrants in Digital Media: Investigating Websites of Selected Media Institutions“, Constructed / Constructive Journalism, Brussels, Belgium, 8-9 December 2016, Conference Proceedings, pp. 103-116.
Schmolz, Helene (2014), "Die Suche nach Informationen unter sprachwissenschaftlichen Gesichtspunkten", Mitteilungen der Vereinigung österreichischer Bibliothekarinnen und Bibliothekare, 67 (2), pp. 249-262.
Schmolz, Helene & David Coquil (2014), "Anaphernresolution im Text Retrieval – Ein sprachwissenschaftlich-informationstechnologischer Ansatz zur qualitativen Verbesserung von Suchmaschinen", in Institut für interdisziplinäre Medienforschung, Suchmaschinen, pp. 63-84.
Schmolz, Helene, Mario Döller & David Coquil (2012), "In-Depth Analysis of Anaphora Resolution Requirements", Proceedings, TIR-Workshop, DEXA-Konferenz (Wien), Los Alamitos et al.: IEEE, pp. 174-179.
Schmolz, Helene (2012), "Plagiate erkennen durch die Analyse von Anaphern. Eine sprachwissenschaftlich-informationstechnologische Perspektive", in Markus Grottke, ed., Plagiatserkennung, Plagiatsvermeidung und Plagiatssanktionierung. Interdisziplinäre Lösungsansätze für die Korrekturpraxis an Universitäten und Fachhochschulen, Lohmar – Köln: EUL, pp. 111-151.
Schmolz, Helene (2011), "Privatheit im Internet: Von Möglichkeiten und Gefahren digitaler Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien", in Dennis Gräf et al., eds., Privatheit. Formen und Funktionen, Passau: Stutz, pp. 155-182.
Encyclopaedia Articles
Wawra, Daniela & Schmolz, Helene. 2024. "Indigene Sprache." In: Glück, Helmut/Rödel, Michael (eds.). Metzler Lexikon Sprache, 6th edition. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler.
-. 2016/2024. "Domäne." In: Glück, Helmut/Rödel, Michael (eds.). Metzler Lexikon Sprache, 5th/6th edition. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler.
-. 2016/2024. "Ethnographie." In: Glück, Helmut/Rödel, Michael (eds.). Metzler Lexikon Sprache, 5th/6th edition. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler.
-. 2016/2024. "Ethnographie der Kommunikation." In: Glück, Helmut/Rödel, Michael (eds.). Metzler Lexikon Sprache, 5th/6th edition. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler.
-. 2016/2024. "Ethnolinguistik." In: Glück, Helmut/Rödel, Michael (eds.). Metzler Lexikon Sprache, 5th/6th edition. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler.
-. 2016/2024. "Ethnomethodologie." In: Glück, Helmut/Rödel, Michael (eds.). Metzler Lexikon Sprache, 5th/6th edition. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler.
-. 2016/2024. "Ethnosprache." In: Glück, Helmut/Rödel, Michael (eds.). Metzler Lexikon Sprache, 5th/6th edition. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler.
-. 2016/2024. "Interpretative Soziolinguistik." In: Glück, Helmut/Rödel, Michael (eds.). Metzler Lexikon Sprache, 5th/6th edition. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler.
-. 2016/2024. "Kommunikationsgemeinschaft." In: Glück, Helmut/Rödel, Michael (eds.). Metzler Lexikon Sprache, 5th/6th edition. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler.
-. 2016/2024. "Laienlinguistik." In: Glück, Helmut/Rödel, Michael (eds.). Metzler Lexikon Sprache, 5th/6th edition. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler.
-. 2016/2024. "Makrolinguistik." In: Glück, Helmut/Rödel, Michael (eds.). Metzler Lexikon Sprache, 5th/6th edition. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler.
-. 2016/2024. "Mikrolinguistik." In: Glück, Helmut/Rödel, Michael (eds.). Metzler Lexikon Sprache, 5th/6th edition. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler.
-. 2016/2024. "Netzwerk." In: Glück, Helmut/Rödel, Michael (eds.). Metzler Lexikon Sprache, 5th/6th edition. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler.
-. 2016/2024. "Relexifizierungshypothese." In: Glück, Helmut/Rödel, Michael (eds.). Metzler Lexikon Sprache, 5th/6th edition. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler.
-. 2016/2024. "Sakralsprache." In: Glück, Helmut/Rödel, Michael (eds.). Metzler Lexikon Sprache, 5th/6th edition. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler.
-. 2016/2024. "Soziale Bedeutung." In: Glück, Helmut/Rödel, Michael (eds.). Metzler Lexikon Sprache, 5th/6th edition. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler.
-. 2016/2024. "Soziale Dialektologie." In: Glück, Helmut/Rödel, Michael (eds.). Metzler Lexikon Sprache, 5th/6th edition. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler.
-. 2016/2024. "Sprachkonflikt." In: Glück, Helmut/Rödel, Michael (eds.). Metzler Lexikon Sprache, 5th/6th edition. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler. (revision of an entry by Joachim Raith)
-. 2016/2024. "Sprachverhalten." In: Glück, Helmut/Rödel, Michael (eds.). Metzler Lexikon Sprache,5th/6th edition. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler.
-. 2016/2024. "Substrat." In: Glück, Helmut/Rödel, Michael (eds.). Metzler Lexikon Sprache, 5th/6th edition. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler.
Schmolz, Helene (2017), Review of Callies, Marcus/Götz, Sandra (Hrsg.), Learner Corpora in Language Testing and Assessment,Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2015, vi+220 S., 90,00 €, ISBN 978-90-272-0378-6, in: Zeitschrift für Angewandte Linguistik(ZfAL), 66 (1), pp. 155-161.
Schmolz, Helene (2016), Review of Daphné Kerremans, A Web of New Words: A Corpus-Based Study of the Conventionalization Process of English Neologisms, English Corpus Linguistics 15, Frankfurt am Main: Lang, 2015, 278 pp., 21 tables, 50 figures, € 56.00/ £ 45.00/$ 72.95, in: Anglia, 134 (4), pp. 703-707.
Schmolz, Helene (2016), Review of Jack Grieve, Regional Variation in Written American English, Studies in English Language, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2016, xviii + 335 pp., 81 figures, 35 tables, £ 69.99, in: Anglia, 134 (4), pp. 707-711.
Wawra, Daniela & Schmolz, Helene (2012), "Rezension von Wyn Johnson und Paula Reimers. Patterns in Child Phonology. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2010, viii + 270 pp.", in: Zeitschrift für Anglistik und Amerikanistik (ZAA), 60 (3), pp. 313-316.
Thir, Veronika/Wawra, Daniela. 2025. Data protection and information privacy: Perceptions across cultures. Berlin/Boston: de Gruyter.
Thir, Veronika. 2023a. "Co-text, Context, and Listening Proficiency as Crucial Variables in Intelligibility among Nonnative Users of English". Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 1-22.
Thir, Veronika. 2023b. "Understood or not? Issues in using orthographic transcription for assessing intelligibility to international listeners of English". In Henderson, Alice; Kirkova-Naskova, Anastazija (eds). Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on English Pronunciation: Issues and Practices. Université Grenoble-Alpes, 249-260.
Thir, Veronika; Wawra, Daniela. 2023. "Cultural influences on personal data disclosure decisions - Ghanaian perspectives". University of Passau Institute for Law of the Digital Society Research Paper Series 23-04, 1-25. Available at SSRN: or
Thir, Veronika; Wawra, Daniela; Kindsmüller; Katharina; Vollenschier, Vanessa. 2023. "Cultural influences on personal data disclosure decisions - Swiss perspectives". University of Passau Institute for Law of the Digital Society Research Paper Series 23-05, 1-59. Available at SSRN: or
Thir, Veronika. 2022. "International intelligibility revisited: L2 realizations of NURSE and TRAP and functional load" In Levis, John M.; Derwing, Tracey M.; Munro, Murray J. The evolution of pronunciation teaching and research: 25 years of intelligibility, comprehensibility, and accentedness. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 181-205. [reprint of 2020b]
Thir, Veronika. 2021. "The role of co-textual and contextual cues for intelligibility in ELF interactions". In Mauranen, Anna; Vetchinnikova, Svetlana (eds.) Language change: the impact of English as a Lingua Franca. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 267-290.
Thir, Veronika. 2020a. "Andrew Sewell. 2016. English pronunciation models in a globalized world: Accent, acceptability and Hong Kong English" (book review). Journal of Second Language Pronunciation 6(1), 127-131.
Thir, Veronika. 2020b. "International intelligibility revisited: L2 realizations of NURSE and TRAP and functional load". Journal of Second Language Pronunciation 6(3), 458-482.
Regina Holze (former research assistant, project
Holze, Regina & Knapp, Dorothe (2023): Game Design für Information and Media Literacy fachlich fokussiert: Lernspiele zu Framing. In: Brachmann, Ines; Dick, Mirjam; Heurich, Benjamin; Lukács, Bence & Wölfl, Eliška (Hrsg.). Innovative Lehrkräftebildung, digitally enhanced. Multimodale Impulse aus dem Projekt Verfügbar unter:
Holze, Regina (2023): Shambolic blunder. Boris Johnson's communication of failure during the Covid-19 pandemic. In: Thielemann, Nadine; Weiss, Daniel (Eds.): Remedies against the Pandemic. How politicians communicate crisis management. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, pp. 169-195.
Holze, Regina; Knapp, Dorothe; Mayrhofer, Petra & Zimmermann, Amelie (2023): Information and Media Literacy. Dimensions that shape our medial perception of the world. Universität Passau, Projekt SmartVHB, 28.02.2023.
Holze, Regina; Knapp, Dorothe; Lamberty, Alexandra; Mayrhofer, Petra; Siwek, Julia; Zimmermann, Amelie & Zitzelsberger, Florian (2023): Qualitätsmerkmale für die Entwicklung und Gestaltung von OER. Open Educational Ressource (OER). Universität Passau, Projekt SmartVHB, 13.03.2023.
Holze, Regina & Zitzelsberger, Florian (2023): Pandemiemetaphern in der Hochschullehre: Ein Rückblick auf das Seminar “COVID-19 and Its Metaphors." Seminardokumentation. DiLab-Blog, 23.01.2023.
Mit & Über, Folge 8 (2023): COVID-19 and its Metaphors: Wie kommunizieren wir Vorstellungen und Handlungsoptionen? Podcast. Hsg. Dorothe Knapp, Mitarbeit Sophia Boxleitner.
Holze, Regina (2023): Pragmatics in Politics: Crisis Framing. Seminardokumentation. DiLab-Blog, 12.01.2023.
Holze, Regina (2023): Learning Stations Corpus Linguistics: Political Communication. Open Educational Ressources (OER). SmartVHB, 11.01.2023.
Holze, Regina; Knapp, Dorothe & Schob, Charlotte (2023): Sensibilisierung für alltägliches Framing: Escape Game “The Vase”. Unterrichtsbaustein. DiLab-Blog, 11.01.2023.
Holze, Regina (2022): Learning Stations Corpus Linguistics. Open Educational Ressources (OER). SmartVHB, 12.12.2022.
Holze, Regina (2022): Unterrichtsbaustein VerLINKt: Spielend Zusammenhänge Erkennen. DiLab-Blog, 04.12.2022.
Holze, Regina & Zitzelsberger, Florian (2022). Teaching as Sharing: Hashtag Activism and Information and Media Literacy. F&E Edition, 27, pp. 79-90.