Postdoctoral qualifications

If you have completed your doctorate and wish to teach students in a professorial capacity in Germany and other higher education systems influenced by Germany, habilitation should be your next aim. This postdoctoral qualification serves as proof that you possess the academic expertise and pedagogical skills to teach students in your academic discipline.
The aim of the habilitation procedure is to give qualified academics at an early stage of their career the chance to autonomously teach and conduct research. As a habilitation candidate (called Habilitand in German), you will work under the tutelage of three experienced university professors and write a habilitation thesis.You are expected to earn this qualification within a period of about four years. A habilitation project in Passau can be completed in any academic discipline represented by a Chair or professorship at the University.
After the candidate has successfully demonstrated their ability to teach in the habilitation procedure, the University will, upon request, bestow the right to teach. Once the candidate has obtained venia legendi, he or she may use the title "Privatdozent" (for males) or "Privatdozentin" (for females).
Habilitation regulations
Please consult the habilitation regulations (in German) of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities for an overview of subjects in which you may earn the habilitation qualification at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities, as well as the admission requirements and how to apply.
Questions concerning the content
Please discuss any questions concerning the content of your habilitation project directly with your supervisor.